ExtermPRO Learning Center

Termite swarming season is about to start here in Virginia. As soon as next month, flying termite swarmers will start looking for new places to build their colonies. These termites are looking for an area with damp soil and a source of wood nearby to eat.

many of the most often spotted bugs and wildlife in Virginia are not native to the area. They have been introduced over the years, brought from other parts of the world. Their aggressive natures and adaptability have enabled these invasive species to flourish in our area until they become a troublesome invader at local homes.

When you see bumps and red rashes on your skin, and you have noticed signs of roaches in your house, your natural conclusion may be that the cockroaches have been biting you in your sleep. Many pests in the area can bite, after all, and roaches are one of the more despised pests.