Where to Look for Damage From Mice

how to keep mice from coming inside

Mice are destructive. Though they’re smaller than rats, they have a tendency to chew, leave droppings, and otherwise cause problems all throughout a home. Once you suspect mice on your property, it’s a good idea to contact ExtermPRO, as we have the tools and technology to find and get rid of mice fast.

But after the mice have been removed, you’ll want to also monitor what the mice may have damaged or destroyed, as these areas may need to be repaired.

Places that Mice May Damage

Mice love to chew. Once they’ve been exterminated from your property, it becomes important to look through certain areas of the home to see if their chewing habits might have caused any potentially long term issues. Some of these include:

  • Wiring – Mice can carry or spread disease. But arguably one of the biggest risks caused by mice is their habit of chewing wires. Mice frequently bite on wires, which can potentially lead to electrical issues and, in rare cases, start property fires. It may be a good idea to have an electrician evaluate your home after a mice infestation has been eliminated.
  • Insulation – Similarly, mice tend to both chew insulation and congregate on it. This means that not only will your insulation be damaged, but there may also be feces and urine in the insulation that could spread disease over time. Replacing this insulation may be useful.
  • Stored Food – Because mice spread disease, it is a good idea to look through any food stored on your property to see if there’s a chance mice were able to enter. Anything mice look like they’ve chewed upon should be disposed of, as there is a chance that the food is contaminated.

Mice may also chew on item that have special meaning to you, and it might be good to find out now before you experience any unfortunate surprises. For example, check your books for bite marks as mice tend to use paper for their nests. You may also want to check your furniture. Mice not only bite furniture – they sometimes live inside of it. Even if the mice are gone, there could be deceased mice hiding inside of ripped or old furniture.

At ExtermPRO, we’ll help you address most of these concerns with our rodent removal services in Gainesville, VA, and we’ll take a look to see if we spot any signs of damage. But it is still helpful and recommended to consider reviewing the damage yourself, as some – like wire chewing – can cause problems months or even ears down the road if it is not addressed.

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