What is it Like for Pests in the Snow?
It’s cold. Again. This winter certainly feels like one of the longer ones, and there is little denying that we’ve had a bit of a break from most pests.
But the thing about the snow is that it will eventually melt. When it does, you can expect that the ground will get the water it needs to thrive, which in turn means that pests that were once dormant will have more than enough nutrition to grow.
In the pest control world, the situations that often bring the least pests are the ones that will bring the most pests in the future.
With that in mind, however, what should you be looking for *right now*?
What kinds of pests are a problem in the freezing snow?
It’s All About the Rodents
Snow season means you can typically reduce how much you’re worried about pests like cockroaches, spiders, centipedes, ants, and other outdoor pests. Not only are they typically dormant this time of year anyway, but they will absolutely not emerge when it’s this cold, and any that do try to move around in the snow will likely not survive.
What will survive, however, is rodents, and they are going to be your biggest concern this time of year:
- Rats
- Mice
- Squirrels
Sometimes, they’re already inside your home and you just don’t realize it. You often have to listen for them. Some also leave the house during the day and come back, but are much less likely to leave when it’s this cold outside, which also makes you more likely to hear them.
But, even in the snow, outdoor rodents are often seeking out any place they can find for shelter. They may also be forced to leave one home, in which case they will search for another. Even in the freezing cold, these pests are often on the move. Their survival depends on finding a new place to live, and it’s not uncommon for that place to be your property.
When the Snow Melts
It’s 28 degrees right now. But it’s 55 degrees on Monday. That’s a huge swing.
Unfortunately, that also means that it’s possible that pests could awaken fast.
As weather warms, pest activity increases, especially if they have the moisture they need to survive. But because it’s still winter, you’re looking at cold nights. Where will pests go when it’s warm during the day but cold at night?
They’ll also try to enter your property, where they can sense warmth.
Professional pest control is the only way to keep pests from invading. At ExtermPRO, we have the tools and team needed to make sure your property is protected all year from all pests. Find out more by contacting our team, today.
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