What Do Mice Eat?

how to keep mice from coming inside

When you think of a mouse sneaking around your house for food, do you think of a snack like cheese and crackers? You might be surprised to learn the movies got it (partially) wrong. So, what do mice eat?

What Mice Eat

You have plenty of foods in your home house mice are happy to consume.

  • Chocolate (it’s their favorite)
  • Fruit
  • Seeds
  • Grain
  • Cereal
  • Dog food
  • Baking supplies
  • Peanut butter
  • And when times are really bad, they’ll eat each other.

How to Keep Your Food Safe

There are multiple steps you can take to make it difficult for mice to nosh on your food.

  • Properly close and store all food in sealed containers. They don’t mind nibbling through plastic to get to a bag of food left in reach.
  • Don’t let them know it’s nearby! Be sure to sweep up crumbs and vacuum regularly.
  • Leave the lid on your trashcan.
  • Don’t leave your pet’s food out longer than necessary. Fido’s food provides plenty of the nutrients they need.
  • Be sure to store your pet’s bag of food properly. Leaving the bag open in the garage isn’t going to cut it. Invest in a sealed container.

Rodent Problem? Call ExtermPRO.

Whether you’ve seen a mouse or have seen the clues, call your local pest pros at ExtermPRO today at 571-620-1168. Our team of exterminators has gone through specialized training to address rodent problems, contain them, and prevent future infestations.

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