What Do Fire Ants Look Like?

And How to Identify a Colony


Fire ants are a relatively recent inhabitor of Virginia, first discovered here in 1989. In 2009, several counties in Virginia were put under Federal Fire Ant Quarantine, meaning residents in those areas are responsible for controlling fire ant colonies on their own.

How to Identify Fire Ants

Size: They range from 1/16″ to 1/4″.

Color: Workers and queens are the classic red color you think of with black bottoms. However, the male swarmers are completely black, so they easily blend in with other ants in our area.

Mound: Mounds are often constructed where there is plenty of sun, so you’ll find them in fields, backyards, and sports fields but probably not the woods. Fire ants are also attracted to electrical currents, so sometimes they’ll even make their home around heat pumps and junction boxes.

Learn more about the ant and find out if your county is on the Federal Fire Ant Quarantine list here.

Ants Are No Match for ExtermPRO.

If you find a fire ant mound, call your neighborhood pest professionals at 571-620-1168 right away. We’ll be right over to kick them out for good.

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