Properties Struggling to Stay Cold May Face Pests in Spring

We’re in the middle of some FREEZING weather here in Gainesville, VA. To call it cold here would be an understatement. Many of us are stuck inside, out of the snow, trying our best to stay warm in our homes as we wait out the end of the icy weather.
While you’re inside, ask yourself this:
- Does it feel like your house is a little colder than normal?
- Does it feel like your heater isn’t warming your property the way it used to?
What if we told you that could be a sign that you’re going to have a pest invasion soon?
More than Your HVAC
Now, to be clear, some of the time the issue is going to be your HVAC system – not something that typically has any effect on pests. If your heater is old and not working, then it’s old and not working, and that’s going to make your home feel colder.
But the issue is that your heater isn’t the only possible cause of your cold home. Neither is insulation, though that may also play a role. The issue might be that that your home has air leaks.
Air leaks become more and more common as your home ages. They can happen anywhere, but are most commonly found around windows, doors, roofing, and in recessed light fixtures. During the winter months, they show themselves by causing your home to cool down really quickly as the hot air escapes and the cold air comes in.
But what happens when the winter is over?
Those leaks remain, but instead of just passing air through, they become entrance points for pests. Pests are able to sense air leaks, and use them in order to come into properties in large numbers.
What Can You Do?
Obviously, one approach will be talking to a local contractor about getting those patches fixed. But that can be an expensive endeavor. The process that a pest control company uses, which works for some settings, is called “Exclusion.” Exclusion involves making changes to physically keep pests out by sealing out any unwanted holes in order to provide bests with far fewer entrance points.
Exclusion alone is may not be enough to keep all pests away, but it can make a huge difference, and when done correctly it can even help you save money on your energy bills by reducing energy loss. Partnering with a pest control company also ensures that the pests that are on your property are less likely to survive, improving comfort further.
Above all, it simply helps to be aware of what’s going on with your property, and how that has an effect on pests and pest management. For more information about pest control, contact ExtermPRO today.