How to Remove a Spider From Your Home Safely

One of the most common reasons that people seek out pest control is because they’re uncomfortable about having spiders in their home. Many people struggle with arachnophobia, and even those that don’t mind spiders typically find them upsetting to have in the home.

But spiders are, out of all pests, probably the most useful. One spider can consume as many as 2000 pests in a year – that is a substantial number of bugs, helping decrease the populations of unwanted insects in and around your home.

So, we don’t them in our homes, but we also don’t necessary want to hurt them. That means that the solution is going to be trying to find a way to safely and carefully get that spider back outside.

Assess the Situation: Is the Spider Harmful?

Before taking any action, it’s essential to assess the spider and its potential threat. Most household spiders are non-venomous and pose no danger to humans. However, it’s good to be aware of the few species that may be harmful, such as the brown recluse or black widow. If you’re unsure, try to identify the spider by observing its color, size, and markings from a safe distance.

  • Brown Recluse – Usually light to dark brown with a violin-shaped marking on the back.
  • Black Widow – Black with a red hourglass marking on the underside of the abdomen.

If you suspect the spider is venomous, proceed with caution and consider calling a pest control professional. These spiders can be a bit too risky to deal with on your own, and trying to help them get safely outside may not be worth the risk to your health.

However, for most common spiders, the following steps will help you remove them safely.

Prepare Your Tools

Removing a spider from your home requires a few basic tools. It’s important to approach the task calmly and with the right equipment to avoid startling the spider or causing it to move unpredictably.

You will need:

  • A transparent glass or container
  • A stiff piece of paper or thin cardboard
  • Gloves (optional for personal comfort)
  • A long-handled broom or duster (if the spider is out of reach)

These items will allow you to catch the spider without directly handling it and release it outside unharmed.

Safe Spider Removal Steps

Once you have all your materials, and you’ve taken a deep breath to feel more confident (if you are afraid of spiders), then you can follow these steps to remove the spider safely:

  • Approach Calmly and Slowly – Spiders are sensitive to vibrations and sudden movements. Approach the spider slowly and avoid making loud noises. If the spider is on the wall or floor, move toward it steadily without causing any disturbance.
  • Contain the Spider – Gently place the transparent container over the spider. If it’s on a flat surface, such as a wall or floor, position the container slightly to the side before slowly moving it over the spider to prevent it from running.
  • Slide the Paper Under the Container – Once the spider is trapped under the container, carefully slide the paper or cardboard underneath. This creates a barrier between the spider and the surface, allowing you to lift the container without harming the spider.
  • Secure the Spider – With the paper securely covering the opening of the container, lift the container and keep the paper in place. Ensure that the spider is completely inside and unable to escape. You can flip the container to make it a bit easier to carry the spider inside and then block it at the top with the paper.
  • Release the Spider Outdoors – Take the spider outside and move a safe distance away from your home – ideally far enough that it is unlikely to make its way back. Remove the paper and allow the spider to crawl out. Place the container on the ground and let the spider find its way into a new environment.

When releasing the spider, aim for a location that provides cover, such as a garden, wooded area, or a space with plenty of vegetation. This ensures the spider has a suitable environment to thrive in without re-entering your home.

While it may be tempting to kill a spider on sight, it’s important to remember that they contribute to controlling other pests like flies, mosquitoes, and moths. Whenever possible, try to remove spiders humanely rather than resorting to insecticides or traps.

Next Steps: Prevention

Taking a spider outside is great. But the problem is that more are going to find their way back. Pest control can help prevent spiders from getting inside of your property, but it also runs the risk of killing them, which defeats the purpose of saving them. That is why you may want to consider the following:

  • Exclusion – Sealing entrance points is going to be perhaps the most critical thing you can do to make sure that spiders do not come inside. It will be more important than pesticides, because you do not want to kill the spider that you just let free. Sealing all entrance points prevents spiders from coming indoors, keeping them outside and safe.
  • Control Other Insects – Spiders feed on other insects, so controlling their food source can help reduce spider populations in your home. Use insect screens, limit bright outdoor lighting at night, and keep food properly stored to deter insect pests. With fewer insects, there will be fewer spiders.

It’s hard to get rid of spiders altogether, because spiders are survivors. They’re going to make their way into your property once in a while, and it is in your lawn’s best interests to help them get out.

Help Spiders by Helping Yourself

Spiders are a natural part of the environment, and while they may be unsettling to encounter indoors, they play an important role in controlling pests. Safely removing a spider using the container and paper method is an effective, humane approach that minimizes harm to both the spider and yourself. By staying calm, prepared, and informed, you can address spider encounters in a way that benefits your home and the ecosystem.

Taking steps to seal entry points and reduce spider-friendly environments inside will also help keep your home spider-free, allowing you to coexist peacefully with these beneficial creatures.


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