How to Keep Spiders Out of Your Yard

10 Family Friendly Spider Facts

Indoor pest infestations often start with problems in your yard. If you have many spiders outdoors, they have easy access to your home when they need to come in search of pests to eat. Taking steps to reduce the number of spiders outside also reduces the risk of an indoor infestation.

Following these steps for spider control in your backyard will help limit the number of spiders you deal with inside and also makes it less likely that you will come into contact with harmful spiders, like black widows and brown recluses, while outside.

Backyard Spider Control Tips

Most outdoor spider control can be done on your own with the standard tools you have available to you. These steps include:

  • Keep Things Neat – Yard maintenance is a must for all pests. Spiders hide in shady spaces and overgrown trees and bushes can be perfect for them. Mow regularly and trim back vegetation to avoid spiders moving in.
  • Keep Things Clean – Trash, leaves, and other debris are also good spots for spiders to hide. Pick things up regularly, although be sure to use caution in case spiders have already moved in.
  • Address Your Firewood Storage – You should not store firewood close to your house since spiders can go from the word through holes in your siding, windows, and doors.
  • Caulk Over Holes – If you have any holes around your home, use caulk or another solution to patch. This will prevent spiders and any pests they eat from getting into your home.
  • Remove Cobwebs – Spiders that consistently find their nests disturbed will move on to a safer area. If you see cobwebs while you are cleaning, knock them down with a broom.

These steps can offer valuable protection against spiders, but unfortunately, they are not always guaranteed if spiders are motivated to come inside due to an existing pest problem.

If you are continuously spotting spiders outdoors and indoors, our bi-monthly and quarterly pest control at ExtermPRO will provide a valuable layer of protection against spider. Our treatments go around your home to protect from spiders and the bugs that they eat for lasting and effective protection. Get more information on our pest protection plans today.

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