How Much Do Your Outdoor Pests Matter?

In the pest control world, we often refer to insects and rodents as “pests.” That is because, when they are in your home, they can of course cause all sorts of problems.

But of course, outdoors, they’re just a part of nature. Spiders, for example, are critical for helping minimize the populations of other bugs, like flies. Inside, we call them pests, but outside, they are probably one of the most important creatures in our ecosystem.

Most pests are like this in some way. Not all of them, of course. Scientists aren’t even sure that the world needs mosquitoes, for example, making them a true “pest” both inside and outside of the home. But other bugs, like ants and termites, help the world function.

If you have a pest inside your home, it’s a problem 100% of the time. But because of the importance of pests in our ecosystem, it can be difficult to tell when the outdoor pests are an issue worth addressing. When should we be concerned about outdoor bugs, and when is it better to just leave them alone?

Sure-Signs of Pests That Should Be Treated

In some cases, there is no question that some pests should be treated. For example:

  • If the pests cause harm – Spiders may be great for the environment, but if you see a black widow, don’t take any chances. The world needs spiders, but your home doesn’t need any pests that could hurt you and your family. Same with rats and similar harm-causing pests.
  • If the pests damage your property – Ants may be helpful, but carpenter ants and termites do not need to be anywhere near your home. Leave them alone in the forest, but at your property – even if they’re yards away from your house – it is a good idea to get rid of them.
  • If they are mosquitoes – Mosquitoes are the always exception. If you have a problem with mosquitoes, no need to wait. Get them treated guilt free.

Those situations are always examples of times where pest control is a good idea, and where we should see these outdoor pests as a problem.

Possible Signs of an Outdoor Pest Problem

In other cases, it may not be clear when outdoor pests are an issue and when they’re just a normal part of the environment that should be left alone. But typically, you can tell when outdoor pests are potentially an issue when you notice the following:

  • An unusually large number of a specific pest – If you see, for example, a lot of cockroaches around your property, or multiple ant hills relatively near your property, or something like a strange number of beetles or other pests, it may be a sign of a bigger pest problem. Sometimes, this is just a natural seasonal cycle, but other times it’s something that indicates a larger issue.
  • Flies – Flies are a complicated pest. They live outside and they’re valuable for the environment. If you see flies around your dog’s droppings, for example, that’s both normal and a good thing. But if you see a lot of flies and you’re not sure why, give us a call. It may be an issue around your property that indicates a larger pest issue.
  • Pests that are also entering your home. Ants may be a great insect outdoors, but if they keep getting into your property, it doesn’t really matter if they live outdoors or indoors. They’re becoming an issue. If you see an ant hill but you don’t have signs of ants, it’s up to you to get it treated. But if you see an ant hill and you’re constantly getting ants, treatment may be beneficial. However, you may also want to ask about exclusion and other services.

These types of outdoor pest issues are a bit of a gray area. They may benefit from additional outdoor treatments, but they also may not. It is a good idea to contact our team at ExtermPRO to check.

Overall, however, outdoor pests can be a problem, but the existence of insects and such outdoors is normal and likely good for the environment. If you’re not sure, feel free and reach out to ExtermPRO and we’ll be happy to give your property a look over.