Black Widows Don’t Like to Bite – But That Doesn’t Keep You Safe

Many of us have a fear of spiders. What makes that unusual, in some ways, is that most spiders are not aggressive and do not bite humans. Some can’t – they do not have fangs that can pierce human skin. There are some aggressive spiders, but they are a rarity, and most spiders are either afraid of humans or ignore them.

Black widow spiders are an example of this. In fact, they are one of the best examples, as they *really* do not want to bite humans and will hide and run from them at any opportunity. You will hear almost no stories of a black widow spider biting without provocation. They are one of the most timid of all the spiders.

And yet…

When we talk about how spiders “do not bite unless threatened” and we also talk about how they are known to hide from humans in secret places, it’s easy to imagine what the problem might be. Black widows, and other spiders, are typically always at risk when they come into contact with humans because this contact is not on purpose.

For example, if you have a black widow hiding behind a piece of wood, and you go to reach for that wood, you may not see the spider and the spider may then bite your hand. That is why the idea they “do not like to bite” is not necessarily that helpful. You do not need to be afraid of the spiders that you can see, since if you can see them then you can avoid them. But it’s the ones that you can’t see that are the biggest risk.

How to Keep Yourself and Your Family Safe

It’s for these reasons that professional and thorough pest control are so important. You shouldn’t need to be afraid of any spider you can see – they are not likely to bite you, and are, as the saying goes “more afraid of you than you are of them.” Some people even handle spiders without any issues, though we probably wouldn’t recommend this for black widows.

But you do need to be very careful of the spiders you cannot see. Those are the ones that are more likely to bite, because they’re the ones most likely to be threatened *accidentally* when you reach for something without knowing a spider is there.

That is where professional pest control helps:

  • We use long pesticides that keep spiders away.
  • We create a barrier that prevents spiders from entering.
  • We review your property for risks factors and areas that may have black widows.

Not only do we use long lasting, family safe pesticides, but many people do not realize that every time we are on a property, we are looking for potential risk factors for black widows and other pests. That is what will help keep you safe and make sure that you’re protected form spider bites.

Black widows, and other poisonous spiders, do not want to bite. But they will if they think you’re going to hurt them, and they hide so well that most of the times you come into contact with them are by accident. Use professional pest control instead to keep your family safe. Contact ExtermPRO in the Gainesville, VA area to learn more.

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