Are Cockroaches Dangerous?


When you think of cockroaches, they probably aren’t on the top of your list of dangerous pests. They certainly have the creepy-crawlie factor down, scurrying across your floor, hiding in cabinets, and sometimes even flying. But, there is more to this pest, in particular, that should cause some concern when you find them in your home.

Why Cockroaches Are Dangerous

While they may not bite or sting like other pests, roaches can cause health problems. If you or your child are experiencing allergy symptoms, don’t narrow it down to seasonal triggers without checking for roaches. About a million people are allergic to cockroaches, and some allergies are so strong, the person doesn’t have to come in contact with a roach to experience a reaction.

How to Get Rid of Cockroaches

Now that you may have identified the source of your allergies, it’s time to kick this pest out. Here are a few ways:

  • Get rid of food sources by storing food in air-tight containers
  • Identify and fix any leaks
  • Keep your home tidy

Do You Have a Cockroach Problem? Call ExtermPRO.

Whether you’re noticing new allergy symptoms or not, cockroaches are not welcome in your home. At ExtermPRO, we don’t just treat the problem—we work with you to prevent any future infestations. Call us today at 571-620-1168 for a free estimate.

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